I have often been harassed on public transport. Once I was sitting with my friend in the metro when a couple sat near us. Suddenly one of them said to me: ”You have a nice camera. You got it with my tax money.” We were puzzled; how do you respond to something like...
I have received nasty looks and yells: “We speak Finnish in Finland”! Sometimes I respond in Finnish as politely as possible, “you have a great day too”. During large sports events my mom has advised me to not speak Russian on public transport. The moments when people...
I have experienced a lot of harassment and accosting on public transport. One situation was when I was on the bus at night going home and a group of people got on and started making very inappropriate comments. I tried to ignore them, but when one of them decided to...
Disabled people face hate speech, negative attitudes and gestures on public transport. I’ve experienced this myself. Nobody has ever come to help me. I’ve sometimes intervened and this has defused the situation. It was a good experience.
My daughter witnessed a bus driver with a foreign background being insulted by a native Finn after the bus was involved in an accident. Not a single adult intervened to stop the abusive language. It took us a long time to process the incident. Twelve-year-olds today...